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Since 1982, J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry has provided private woodland owners in Pennsylvania and Maryland with professional woodland resource mangement guidance and timber marketing service. These services assure owners of receiving maximum multiple use benefits from their timber and other natural resources in terms of net income, service and satisfaction with the resulting harvest. J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry will meet with landowners to discuss ownership goals, management and harvest interests and conduct an informative woodland examination for no fee or obligation.






























Services Provided:

  • Timber Marketing:  complete/professional preparation, administration and supervision

  • Preparation of General Woodland Management Plans

  • Timber Inventories

  • Timber Appraisals

  • Timber trespass & damage appraisals

  • Expert witness/conflict resolution

  • Timberstand improvement preparation & practices

  • Boundary line marking & maintenance

  • GPS mapping



Annually, we conduct management based timber sales/harvests on tracts producing 3 to 5 million board feet of volume. Our client’s tracts usually range from 10 to 250 acres in size. We are an experienced and professional forestry consulting company dedicated to helping you, our client, protect your interests and the values of your property; manage to maximize the health of your woodland’s resources; get the best value for timber resources; plan for a sustainable timber harvest; enhance wildlife habitats and grow your family’s woodland legacy.


Since 1982, we have worked for you.

Best Management Practices


Trees, like any other crop, should be thinned as needed and harvested when mature.  Harvesting is a very important and necessary part of a sound woodland resource management plan.  A properly planned and implemented harvest operation will maintain and enhance your woodland’s ability to provide a sustained yield of multiple use benefits.  Careful planning, preparation, administration and supervision of a harvest operation can minimize long term disturbances to your woodland’s resources while maximizing your short and long term benefits.  Enforcement of best management practices during harvest operations will protect timber reserves and wildlife habitats, conserve soil and protect water quality.  We work for you.



What are your ownership objectives?  Common examples include a healthy woodland,  sustained yield of timber crops, wildlife habitats, aesthetics, recreational uses and income.  Your objectives and the current woodland resources on your property are the foundation for short and long term management decisions.  We will discuss this information with you and provide management/harvest options for your consideration and approval.  Usually, we are able to implement practices that will satisfy multiple short and long term objectives.  We work for you.


1386 Druck Valley Road

York, PA 17406

2601 Mission

Call: 717-751-0864

© 2013 by

JL Gossert & Co. Forestry


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