J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry
Timber Is A Crop...Manage and Harvest Wisely
Woodland Resource Management & Timber Marketing Services Since 1982

J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry is a professional forestry consulting company dedicated to working with and providing woodland management and timber marketing services for woodland owners throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry holds a strong commitment to high ethical standards in forestry upheld by professional ability, sound technical training, broad experience, honesty and integrity. The primary objective of J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry is to serve no one's interest but yours, our client.

Jeff Gossert
Owner, Operater
Jeff Gossert is a graduate of Penn State University with a B.S. Degree in Forest Science. He began his forestry career in 1978 with positions at Burke, Parsons, Bowlby Corporation in Dubois, PA from 1978-1981, and then at D.H. Dubel Lumber Company in York, PA from 1981-1982 before founding J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry and working for private land owners in 1982.
Degrees and Certificates:
Pennsylvania State University | B.A. Degree in Forest Science, 1977
McKeever Environmental Learning Center | Harwood Lumber Grading Short Cource Certificate, 1979
Hartford Community College | Forest Conservation Course Certificate, 1994
Maryland "Green Card" Certification #8278 / #9587
2012 TSP Certified by NRCS
Maryland Forester License #233
Registered Pennsylvania Forester (no official requirement)
SAF Certified Forester #2951
American Tree Farm System Qualified Inspector #4487
Professional Affiliations:
Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc. (ACF)
Society of American Foresters (SAF)
Pennsylvania Forestry Assocaition (PFA), Director 2012-2013
Tree Farm Program
Maryland Forestry Association (MFA)
Quality Deer Management Association (QDM)
National Woodland Owners Association (NWOA)
York County Conservation District, Director 2000-present and Vice Chair 2003-Present
York County Envirothon, Forestry Coach 1999-2013
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, Past Director of York Country District #3
York County Farm Bureau, Secretary 2004-2007 (Member #076386)
Continuing Education:
Minimum of 20 continuing education credits in forestry-related subjects earned every year as required by the Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc., Society of American Foresters and the State of Maryland.

John Helmers
Field Forestor
John Helmers is a 2007 graduate of Penn State University with a B.S. degree in Forest Science Management and an Associates degree in Forest Technology. He began his forestry career in 2005 as an Arborist at Bartlett Tree Experts and continued in the field with positions as a Forest Technician with the PA Game Commission Southwest Region in 2006, and as a Forestor with Trumco Inc. from 2008-2010. John began working with J.L. Gossert & Co. Forestry in September 2010.
Degrees and Certificates:
Pennsylvania State University | B.S. Degree in Forest Science Management, 2007
Pennsylvania State University | Associates Degree in Forest Technology, 2005
SFI Certification
PA- 190 Pennsylvania Wildland Firefighter Certification
Soren Eriksson Game of Logging Training
NRCS CAP 106 Management Plan Workshop 2011